
Day 10

I baked my first apple pie today


Day 6

Prototype hype 


Day 5

Last Dance 

Last night a girl walked into the Uptown holding a speaker in each hand, blasting Michael Jackson. Everyone in the bar stopped what they were doing and got up with dance fever. It was a totally awesome, celebratory site. 

Rough tough day. RIP Michael Jackson, Ferrah Fawcett, and Sky Saxon


Day 4

Do you know about the portals in San Francisco?


Day 2

Clapping gloves on my walk back from the market.


Day 1:

Today is the first official day of summer and the first day of my 100 Days of Summer project for the third year in a row. I'm stoked to be working on daily projects and tapping back into more diverse inspiration again. 
If you are down to collaborate on a project email me. 

Today I was caught in between the beach and the airport...
Harmonica sea cat jam and  back to the bay.