
Day 62

The front vs. the back


Day 61

David and I went to check out Hog Island Oysters in Point Reyes, it was our first time ever opening on on our own and we really worked for it, which made them taste all the more sweet and delicious. 


Day 60

Checked out Jessica Williams Free Advice via live webcam at Triple Base and got some good advice myself. I forgot to take pictures but here is a good one from Jessica's blog.

Then I went home and then made myself a veggie box and bought a fig tree too. Check it out,  so stoked!
There are sweet peppers, tomatoes, a grab bag of lettuce types, kale, chard, cucumber, cilantro, oregano, chives, mint, and lavender wahooo!


Day 59

David's night walk started at Triple Base at 8pm- till dawn. Friday to Saturday. 
It was such a beautiful night...Matthew and I only made it till 3ish, Brandon and David made it till dawn and witnessed some amazing things in the process. 
It was a super fun night. My feet killed me later, I need to talk more. 

We took a short little break at Joyce's house too, where I passed out on the couch. 
Thanks Joyce!


homesteading night 3


Day 58

the first official dinner 


Day 53

new kitchen ideas

about yeh wide... this'll work


Day 52

A good bye to days
Corn cob pipes, speckled rooster malty beer, heart stopper pizza and friends. 
A lovely farewell to some really amazing people. Farewell Brendon and Eva, and good luck with all the new adventures!


Day 51

Julia Goodman at JB Blunk in Inverness